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Differences Between Learning JavaScript vs HTML

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It's a markup language that can be read by humans and annotates text to a specific purpose. HTML is simple and straightforward to learn. HTML tags are used to identify the content and wrap every type of content. HTML tags are generally used to wrap content such as paragraphs, headings and graphics.

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An HTML tag contains content enclosed in angle brackets. An HTML tag contains content enclosed within angle brackets. The tag name is followed by a number of attributes. The closing tag matches with the opening tag by adding a'slash" to the end of the tag name.

JavaScript, on the other hand is a programming language. This makes it harder to learn than HTML. A markup language describes an action, while a programming languages defines a sequence of actions that will be performed.

All commands written in JavaScript define an individual action. An action can be anything from copying data from one place to another, performing calculations, or testing a condition. Learning any programming language is more challenging than learning a markup language, because there are so many actions you can perform, and so many combinations.

However, there is a catch. Although JavaScript is more complicated than HTML, JavaScript can be written much faster than HTML. JavaScript will be more difficult to master than HTML.

JavaScript is easier if you're already proficient in another programming language. It's always easier to learn a second or a subsequent programming language. This is because you already know the programming style and can only understand the command syntax for the new language.